vários homens sentados em cadeiras conversando entre si enquanto seguram microfones

Lines of Research

Transform your insights into products and offers that the market actually wants


We develop research at three Centers of Excellence:

transformação digital

Artificial Intelligence

uma corrente cercada por pontos brilhantes


um quadrado azul com uma luz brilhando no meio

Quantum Computing

We are a reference because we never stop seeking knowledge

The high technologies never cease to advance. Every day we have news when it comes to Artificial Intelligence, Quantum Computing, and Blockchain.

With our Centers of Excellence, we define our research lines and keep ourselves always updated, applying theory to practical everyday problems of our clients. Thus, we find innovative solutions that seemed impossible.

We always guarantee the fastest way, with the highest quality and cost-effectiveness to develop complex projects.


Get to know in detail our AI Open Lab, which is part of the Center of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence.

um homem parado na frente de um grupo de pessoas

How does the Venturus client benefit from our Research Lines?

Step 1

When the client arrives with a complex problem, our research lines help us to quickly answer whether the project is feasible to be developed here.

Step 2

Starting with the initial understanding, our teams seek through studies and research what is possible to incorporate from the highest technology, and that is advantageous for the project, and then suggest the solution to the client.

Step 3

After approval, the project begins to be developed within Venturus. The solution can then be applied in other contexts and levels, in subsequent projects and with shorter execution time.

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performance better:

um homem parado na frente de a uma esteira de testes

Get more insights:

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Podcast: Artificial Intelligence in Health

Artificial Intelligence

The importance of ethics in Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

What is Deepfake and how do you identify fake content?


The importance of Mind Maps for QA

Manufacturing 4.0

SLAM: the Revolution in Industrial Automation

Manufacturing 4.0

The revolution of Autonomous Mobile Robots in the industry

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Venturus - Campinas / SP - Brasil
Estrada Giuseppina Vianelli di Napolli, nº 1.185
Condomínio GlobalTech Campinas
Polo II de Alta Tecnologia
CEP 13086-530
Venturus - Atlanta / GA - EUA
1201 Peachtree Street NE,
Floors 1, 2 and 3,
Atlanta, Georgia
ZIP Code 30361
Itriad - Manaus / AM - Brasil
Rua Salvador, nº 440
ZIP Code 69057-040