um close de um respingo de água com bolhas

Smart water leak detection

We modernized the entire process for Enops Engenharia to maintain and monitor the water systems in the Campinas region.

Identificação inteligente de vazamentos de água

How we work

Did you know that nearly 40% of treated water in Brazil is wasted due to leaks, fraud, and other issues?

Enops Engenharia's mission is to reduce this figure. That's why they sought our help to optimize their operations.

Our solution:
trabalhador da construção civil com equipamento de trabalho laranja trabalhando em um bueiro

Proposal challenges

Before Venturus, the process required geographical travel, high equipment costs, and was prone to errors, all of which drove up operational expenses.

Optimizing the professional's inspection process
duas pessoas em pé ao lado de um rio
Making leak detection more accurate
vista de um canteiro de obras com caminhões e caminhões
Reducing costs across the entire process and equipment
dois homens estão sentados no chão trabalhando em um encanamento de esgoto

Venturus Solutions

We used artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques to streamline operational steps, making the process much more efficient and error-free.


Expert system for leak detection


Hardware to measure vibrations and pressure differences in the network


Precise geolocation system to pinpoint leak locations


Artificial Intelligence to identify the likelihood of new leaks


  • Increased efficiency in identifying and resolving cracks
  • Reduction of costs with equipment and travel equipment
  • Predictive maintenance to prevent new leaks
uma torneira de água aberta

Technologies involved

Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
Computer Vision
Product Discovery