homem de terno segurando um celular na mão

Corporate Smartphones

Understand how Motorola entered the B2B mobile market with the help of Venturus

Smartphones Corporativos da Motorola

The case

Motorola is a reference when it comes to smartphones for the general public. However, the company aimed to expand its business into the corporate market.

With the help of Venturus, it was possible to introduce new features to the Android system and ensure the necessary protection and security to achieve this goal.

Here's how this was done:
mulher olhando para o celular em um café

Proposal Challeges

We needed to add functions to the operating system that ensured additional layers of security, protecting against data leaks or misuse of the devices.

We had to add features to the operating system that ensured additional layers of security, protecting against data leaks or misuse of the devices.

alguém segurando um telefone com uma projeção de escudo saindo da tela

Venturus Solutions

Motorola B2B devices gained three primary benefits in record time:


Complete Management

Full control of the company, allowing the device to be used only in the corporate environment.


Enhanced Privacy

Bluetooth restriction for connection with other devices, preventing leaks.



Capacity of custom configuration for each type of business.


  • More security for Motorola business smartphones
  • Extra layers of protection against data breaches
  • Quick entry of Motorola into the new segment
mulher falando ao celular em um grande prédio

Technologies involved

UX Research
Mobile Development
Interface Design (UI/UX)
Software development