
How to apply Color Psychology?

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How to apply Color Psychology?
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Colors are present in our lives at all times, they influence our feelings, sensations, vibrations, emotions, and behaviors.

With all this power, each color emits a specific type of meaning, relevant to Building a product, layout, or some art, carrying with it, the message we wish to convey.

Because of this, in this article, we will discuss the study of Color Psychology, created precisely to study how the human brain identifies and transforms colors into sensations or emotions, and how to apply this to its design.

How was the study of Color Psychology carried out

The study on how colors affect our mind began with the sociologist and teacher Eva Heller, who published a book called”The Psychology of Colors: How Colors Affect Emotion and Reason”.

The work was the result of years of research with 2 thousand people, encompassing various ethnic, age, and gender factors, and even cultural and financial differences. The research results showed that the relationships between colors and feelings “match” and that this is the result of experiences fixed in our language and mind.

Thus, it is clear that when creating a new product it is necessary to consider this study of colors, since this may even affect decision and opinion of the customer or consumer.  

Why use Color Psychology?

The effect of Color Psychology on creative projects is very relevant, since the visual of your application is the first contact that the user has with your platform or product, and that is when the user becomes whether or not it identifies with your brand.

The correct choice of colors guarantees the effectiveness of the message, awakening the types of behaviors and feelings that you actually want.

Marketing, business, and market analysis studies show that:

92.6% of those interviewed by Seoul International Color Expo said that they place more importance on visual factors when purchasing a product.
84.7% of the consumers of the same survey think that color is fundamental to the choice of a product.
90 seconds. It's the time it takes for a person's subconscious to make a judgment based on initial visualization, according to the Institute for Color Research.

What feelings does each color convey?

Each color has its own peculiarity and awakens certain feelings in the user. But do you know what meanings and uses each color carries? Let's understand now.


Uma pessoa grifando um texto com um marca-texto amarelo

The yellow color awakens confidence, optimism, clarity and creativity, in addition to helping us make decisions.

From the perspective of Color Psychology, yellow stimulates our mental fitness, activating the analytical and logical side of the brain, making it easier to make decisions in a logical and non-emotional way.

In addition, it is a color that facilitates the mental storage of information, in addition to being the most visible color of all. For this reason, it is widely used in post-its or in original highlighter brushes.


Red is a color stimulating, energetic, flashy and intense, often related to fire, passion, and excitement. With all this power, care must be taken to use it, using it at really appropriate times, as alerts or urgent warnings.

Because it is a stimulating color, the food industries use this color to Stimulate consumers' appetite, in order to increase your sales. We have a great example, McDonald's, which uses Color Psychology, using red in their interfaces and packaging.


The color orange carries with it feelings of happiness, spontaneity, enthusiasm, energy, vitality, adventure and youth. In terms of Color Psychology, orange is a very optimistic color that brings confidence.

In business, we use orange to suggest adventure, fun, and to signal optimism. In addition, it is a color widely used to stimulate sales in restaurants and attract a younger audience, as is the case of the Nickelodeon channel.


Quatro quadrados verdes com um símbolo de correto no centro

Green is a color that is connected to nature, the environment, healthy life, relaxing, tranquility, new beginnings, renewal, peace and balance.

In interfaces, green can also mean success and permission, such as a message about an action you took and that It generated something positive for you, such as a successful bank transaction.


The color blue transmits calm, serenity and trust, responsibility, honesty and loyalty. On the Color Psychology side, blue represents trust and responsibility.

Blue is very good in the corporate world and tends to be more used by types of More conservative businesses, such as insurance companies, banks, and financial companies, that value trust with their clients.


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The color purple carries with it a very special meaning and is a color that has been prominent since ancient times. According to Eva Heller's studies, in the past, the color purple was Used as the color of power, of governance, and is even more powerful than using gold. For this reason, it became known as the color of royalty. In addition to having this meaning, it also awakens people's imagination and creativity.

That's why Venturus has purple as its main color, since our purpose is to Building the future with new technologies, this requires a lot of imagination and creativity.


The color black is widely used in luxury brand interfaces, transmitting power, elegance, trust and formality. In addition, the color black is super trending when it comes to Dark Mode (Dark Mode), a screen view mode that makes the user's eyes less tired and even saves your cell phone's battery by using less light.

In addition to these benefits, Dark Mode leaves the interface more refined and comfortable in the eyes of users. It is worth noting that, depending on the colors combined with black, its interface can convey a conservative, modern, elegant and sophisticated look.


The color white is widely used in visual interfaces, especially when we want to highlight a color, image, product, or other graphic element. Because it is a neutral color, its power to highlight is great, since it directs the eye to what you want to highlight.

In addition, white conveys a sense of peace, simplicity, security, lightness, kindness, and divinity. Its use is also linked to health professionals, such as doctors, nurses, dentists and other professions who wear an all-white suit, to show precisely neutrality, to bring calm, harmony, cleanliness, and hygiene.

In the end, everything is color!

The correct choice of colors for your product needs to be considered not only for aesthetics, but for what is behind that color, so that the message you want to convey through your product be received correctly by users.

It is worth mentioning that, if the colors are chosen improperly, we'll have great losses to the product, since the message it wants to send will not be absorbed in the way expected by the user.

And here at Venturus we have design as one of our main sectors. Get in touch with us and talk to one of our specialists to find out how we can help your company!


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